This morning we woke up early and headed out to archery... Unfortunately we didn't realize that the event was "not ticketed" instead of free... so we walked... a lot.... all morning.

Eventually we made our way to cosport to pick up the tickets we had purchased which involved waiting around for 2 hours.. which sucked.  But at least it wasn't 7 like one of the other guys with us had said he had to do. 

On the way to Cosport we saw a street market and alot of the stuff had big signs that said one pound.  So one of the extremely mature guys on our trip (cough Rocky cough) decided to call it Pound Town.  So while it line the joke became to see how many jokes you could come with about Pound Town.  It was actually pretty amusing.  

We also learned of people selling the tickets through CoSport but were selling them all at face value and not technically through the company... It's basically legal scalping.  So we picked up some Men's football (soccer) tickets for Wednesday August first.  

After Cosport we went split up, Allie, Derek, Frank, Zach, Rocky, and I headed to pound town and then to Baker street.  Yes, THE Baker street from Sherlock Holmes and ate at a pub there and had a great time laughing and eating.  

After the pub we went to a few shops where Allie and I decided to get tickets to see Wicked for Tuesday.

Tonight is the Olympic Ceremonies and we are about to head out to Stratford to the Olympic Park and then the group has free tickets to an Olympic themed night club tonight.  So who knows how tonight will end.

Will write more later!

Just got back from a ton on crazy stuff going on.  

Went to the Olympic Park in Stratford just to see what we could without tickets to the opening ceremonies.  Allie and I met about 15 athletes.  Unfortunately we did not meet any US players.

*Pictures with said Olympians will be up later when I actually have time*

We then headed over to Victoria Park to watch the opening ceremonies, 20,000 people were said to be there but the concert we went to yesterday had 80,000 people there... This event  easily had twice the people as yesterday.  It was INSANE. Allie, Colleen and I were overwhelmed with people and left early and picked up pizza and drinks and headed back to the hostel for the Olympic games.

Side Note: We have become pros with figuring out the tube... The streets of London? not so much...
Tomorrow is the first of the Olympic tickets that I have!
Men's Beach Volleyball here we come!

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